#bar people /sound effect, bar people loop /the effects Most {alcohol} is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Nearly all alcohol has to be burnt up by the {liver} & the rest disposed of in sweat, urine or in the breath. On average, it takes 1hr for the body to break down 1 unit of alcohol. While in the {bloodstream}, alcohol affects people in different ways, depending upon individual body weight, size, height & sex. An empty stomach can also vary the effects. #hangover /animated 4 f/s Alcohol is a mood altering drug. It can make some people lively & talkative, others silent & miserable. {Alcohol} is a {depressant}, in that it depresses certain brain functions. Therefore, it affects your judgement, self control & co-ordination. Hangovers are caused by drinking too much alcohol. Dehydration is 1 of the problems. The {alcohol} tends to make water move out of body cells & this builds up in the blood. This is bad for the skin & leads to wrinkles & a puffy face. Also each type of alcoholic drink contains natural substances which give it color, smell & taste. These substances may add to a hangover.